Council Contacted You?

You may have had a phone call or a card dropped in your letter box from the council advising about a complaint and/or unauthorised building work.

Council may have performed a site visit and inspection and/or maybe you received a Show Cause Notice or worse if you have left the project without action too long, an Enforcement Notice.

If you have received any of these you must take action. The choice is to have the unauthorised building work retrospectively certified or remove the building.

Of course the latter in most cases is not an option, however the path of certification also comes with many challenges and there is no guarantee of a successful outcome. Your application may be denied costing many thousands of dollars all for no positive outcome of certification.

At QRBS we have a 100% success rate of the outcome our clients want to achieve. After, discussing the project with us and all the circumstances QRBS can provide invaluable pre-lodgement advice and point out any expensive pitfalls a building application will trigger and the way to mitigate hidden costs. This will save you extra fees, time and frustration.

For fast easy service Contact Us with your details here:

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